I have a little story to tell you

it's about a bear and a hare.

They were the very best of friends

(and also an odd looking pair).

They both had grown up together

always treating each other fair and square.

One day a classmate whispered to one

(I now know that one was the bear),

“Do you know what is being said

by your so-called friend the hare?”

“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,”

said bear on the edge of his chair!

“Well that’s what I am here to tell you,

the hare makes fun of what you wear”.

This news made bear awfully sad,

that friend hare could be so unfair.

But there really was a BIGGER problem,

the whisperer HAD LIED on a dare!

The hare NEVER would make fun of his friend

but that truth went unknown to the bear.

The hare asked and asked his best friend

the reason for his constant despair

but bear had just too much pride

and wanted all to think he didn't care.

It was the senseless end of something special

a bond of trust and friendship that is rare.

If bear had simply answered his friend

the problem could have ended right there!





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